All Things Amz Fbm "A Beginners Edition"

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"All Things AMZ: A Beginner's Edition" 4 Ebooks Divided Into 2 Editions

Edition 1:Starting Strong x Shipping & Returns

  • Step-by-Step Visual Guide on Account Creation: Learn how to set up your Amazon account with easy-to-follow instructions and visuals.
  • Free eBook on Structuring Your Business: Discover the importance of NAICS codes and access valuable funding opportunities for your Amazon business.
  • Amazon Account Selection and Fulfillment Methods: Understand the different account options available and choose the right one for your business.
  • Full Guide on Settings Setup: Set up essential settings such as vacation mode, returns, shipping templates, policies, and customer service scripts.
  • Must-Have Supply List: Explore the essential tools and resources you need to succeed in your Amazon business.
  • Essential Amazon Terminology / Language: Familiarize yourself with key Amazon terms and language to navigate the platform effectively.
  • Bonus Goodies: Gain access to handy scripts to help you win claims, a UPS printer script, and join a supportive community for ongoing support.

Edition 2 Ms. Unlimited Access x The Sourcing/ Listing Playbook

"Ready to Take Your Amazon Business to the Next Level?"

  • Sourcing Methods for Everyone: Learn diverse sourcing methods, including retail, online, wholesale, and brand approvals.
  • How to Unlock Top Brands: Discover how to get ungated for popular brands like Nike and Adidas for just $5-10.
  • 2-for-1 Ungating Hacks: Score access to multiple brands with just one item using clever hacks.
  • Master Listing and Sourcing: Learn expert techniques for proper listing and sourcing to maximize your sales.
  • Savvy Sourcing Secrets: Explore techniques to boost sales while safeguarding against IP alerts.
  • Bonus Goodies: Dive into must-know sourcing secrets, store sections, and access automatic ungated products/ASINs.

These books provide comprehensive guidance and resources to help you succeed in your Amazon business, whether you're just starting out or ready to level up!

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All Things Amz Fbm "A Beginners Edition"

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